People Centric Podcast
The People Centric Podcast is hosted by People Centric Consulting Group. Our vision is to put people at the center of every organization. Our mission is to build healthy cultures where people are aligned and empowered. This show confronts work head-on to help you learn how to navigate difficulties, change cultures, and lead better. We want work to be more than just a ”J-O-B”. We want individuals, teams, and companies to be People Centric by creating cultures where people are aligned, empowered, and at the center of every decision.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
If I said that someone was an "old school manager" you would probably think of someone who micromanages, doesn't communicate things well, and frankly, isn't a good manager. So the People Centric team thought they should break down the aspects of old-school management and talk through the bad and the good!
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
We have all heard of extroverts and introverts - and some of us even know what ambiverts are, but what do these labels really mean? Furthermore, is the workforce set up to have a bias toward one of these groups over another? Listen to this episode to hear the People Centric team talk about:
what exactly it means to be an introvert or an extrovert
how people and workplace policy could be biased toward a particular group
the strengths and weaknesses of both introverts and extroverts
how to include extroverts and introverts on teams and utilize their unique skill sets
Have questions about this topic? Want to ask for advice from our team? Have a topic suggestion? Just want to say Hello? Do it! We love hearing from you and here is how you can get us:
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Supervisor, Manager, Director, Executive... so many layers of management . Have you ever wondered what all of these people do? Why do we need so many different types of leaders and what should they each be focusing on?
In this episode, the team breaks down what each type of manager should be doing AND how to best interact with them.
Don also mentions a story about executive Michael Kiolbassa, and here is a link to that story:
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
We need each other at work. We rely on other people to get things done and move things forward. But have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you did everything you could and it still just did not work? Have you ever felt like you wouldn't have changed what you did, but you were wanting an entirely different outcome?
In this episode, the People Centric team discusses what happens when you are doing everything right and it gets you nowhere! Because sometimes it isn't you - it's them.
Have questions about this topic? Want to ask for advice from our team? Have a topic suggestion? Just want to say Hello? Do it! We love hearing from you and here is how you can get us:
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Thank you, Gracias, Grazie, Merci, Xièxiè nǐ, gamsahabnida, aitäh, Danke, mahalo. Saying a simple thank you can be so impactful. When was the last time you showed appreciation? When was the last time that felt appreciated? In this episode, the People Centric Team talks about appreciation in the workplace and the impact it has on those relationships.
Have questions about this topic? Want to ask for advice from our team? Have a topic suggestion? Just want to say Hello? Do it! We love hearing from you and here is how you can get us:
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
We have all been there - feeling overworked and over work. There are things that you can do to set good boundaries, realign expectations, and find a way to feel less stressed at work and this episode breaks it down for us.
Have questions about this topic? Want to ask for advice from our team? Have a topic suggestion? Just want to say Hello? Do it! We love hearing from you and here is how you can get us:
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
People are quiet quitting everywhere. The People Centric team has been talking about "quiet quitting" for years now, we just called it something different: disengagement. Studies have shown that about 51% of the workforce is disengaged. Quiet quitting is not new and it is not going away. It is why we started People Centric! Listen to this episode to hear about what we think of the quiet quitting phenomenon.
What is quiet quitting and why is it happening?
What can leaders do about this?
What can employees do about this?
What does this mean for our workforce?
How can people find their empowerment and not feel like they need to quiet quit?
Have questions about this topic? Want to ask for advice from our team? Have a topic suggestion? Just want to say Hello? Do it! We love hearing from you and here is how you can get us:
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Comparison is the thief of joy. And when things don't measure up to our expectations, our own comparison between the expectation and the reality can make for a pretty crummy situation. On this episode, the People Centric team talks through what happens when we compare, what we can do to shift our mindset, and how to deal when we realize that our reality will just never be what we expected.
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Tunnel Vision, Blind Spots, Laser Focused - whatever you want to call it, when a person is viewing something through their own lens and focusing intently on that thing, it can have both good and bad outcomes! In this episode the People Centric Team discusses:
How to see your own blind spots - because, you know, you are blind to them, so... Understanding when you should point out tunnel vision with others
How to see other perspectives when you need to focus
Determine how roles play a part in tunnel vision and how to use that to your advantage when communicating
Have questions about this topic? Want to ask for advice from our team? Have a topic suggestion? Just want to say Hello? Do it! We love hearing from you and here is how you can get us:
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Learning when to speak up and when to stand down are hard life lessons. In this episode, the People Centric Team discusses best practices for when to speak up, considerations for not speaking up, and general tips for choosing the battles in the war called work.
Have questions about this topic? Want to ask for advice from our team? Have a topic suggestion? Just want to say Hello? Do it! We love hearing from you and here is how you can get us:
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Twitter: @PeopleCentricUS